Garden Screening Kit Everyday


Our Everyday Screening is a stylish & modern garden screening system

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Garden Screening Kit Everyday. Constructed on site using 4″x4″ timber posts, clad with a mixture of 6″x1″ and 3″x1″ thick timber boards.
It has 3″x1″ horizontal centre braces making it an extremely robust system.
It looks great on the boundary of any property, works well to divide any outside spaces and can be used as a cladding to hide any old or unattractive walls.

Our Everyday Garden Screening kits, come in 3m (10ft) sections & available in heights ranging from 0.9m (3ft) – 1.8m (6ft)

Included with each section:-
1x Treated timber post.
Treated timber centre braces.
All necessary treated cladding boards.
All necessary screws, nails and fast setting concrete.

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Additional information

Dimensions 3 × 0.125 m


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