Closeboard Fencing Kit Timber


Timber Closeboard Fencing is a robust and popular garden fencing system. It looks great on the boundary of any property and is recommended for slopping and uneven ground levels.

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Closeboard Fencing Kit Timber.

Morticed Post System

Closeboard Fencing Kit Timber. Arris rails set between 4″x4″ treated mortised timber posts, clad with 4″ wide overlapping featheredge boards sat on a 6″ timber gravel board, topped with a capping rail. A very popular and traditional fencing system.

Included with each section:-
1x Treated Timber mortised Post.
1x Treated Timber Gravel board, with timber cleats.
1x Centre stump.
3/2x Treated Arris rails depending on the height of the fence.
45x Treated Featheredge boards. 30% more overlap than industry standard!
1x Treated Capping rail.
Fast setting concrete.

Upgraded Stainless Steel nails.

Face Fix System

Square 4″x2″ rails fixed to 4″x4″ treated timber posts, clad with 4″ wide overlapping featheredge boards sat on a 6″ timber gravel board, topped with a capping rail.

Included with each section:-
1x Treated Timber Post.
1x Treated Timber Gravel board, with timber cleats.
1x Centre stump.
3/2x Treated square rails depending on the height of the fence.
45x Treated Featheredge boards. 30% more overlap than industry standard!
1x Treated Capping rail.
Fast setting concrete.

Upgraded Stainless Steel nails.

Both systems are ideal for when total privacy is required. They look great on the boundary of any property and are recommended for slopping or uneven ground levels.

Looking for Concrete posts?

Do you need a Gate?

Do you need the removable panel style?

How long is my garden?

Starter posts. What are they & do I need one?

  Spread the cost of your new fencing.

How to dig a fence post hole

Additional information

Dimensions 3 m


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